Tower of trample karen walkthrough
Tower of trample karen walkthrough

tower of trample karen walkthrough

When any stat gets higher than 9, you get additional benefits. Regarding stats, you get the most from each invested point up to 5, so it may be a good idea to get all stats to 5 at early game. Originally posted by Phexxer:>I don't have fire weapons.Maeve has fire arrows skill that is helpful at first levels. Skill power gets 2-3% per 1 point until 30 but only 1% per point from 30-49 and the last point gives 6%. There's a big burst in the last point (49 -> 50) so it can be beneficial to get at least 1 stat to 50, i.e putting points into mastery after 10, gives you 0,1 mana regen per 1 point, after 30 mastery it takes 2-3 point to get that 0,1 increase (alternates) but the last point from 49 to 50 gives you +0,3 mana regen. You can only put 30 points max to each stat and the remaining 20 points have to come from items/fountains/scrolls.

tower of trample karen walkthrough

I'd say around 15-20 is enough for the early levels, 30 is soft cap for every stat, meaning after that each point gives only a small increase in corresponding stats (mana reg, hp reg, damage, attack speed etc), 50 being max for each stat. There's a icon/button named dismantle in your inventory screen right next to your equipped items/above jewelry tab of inventory - you click that and then the item you want to destroy and you get some crystals back, green from green items, blue from blue and purple for purple, usually 1/3 of the crafting cost, so if crafting a green item tier 1 cost 3 green crystal, dismantling a green tier 1 item usually gives you 1 green crystal.

Tower of trample karen walkthrough