Call of duty black ops 1 pc product key
Call of duty black ops 1 pc product key

call of duty black ops 1 pc product key call of duty black ops 1 pc product key

The improvements made allowed for bigger campaign levels to be made as well as enhanced lighting. It runs an enhanced version of the IW 3.0 engine used in Treyarchs past title, World at War. Improvements to loadout options and killstreak rewards are made.Ī form of virtual currency, COD Points, allows players to purchase weapons and customization options for their in-game character, as well as attachments and customization options for their weapon. The multiplayer of Black Ops features multiple objective-based game modes that are playable on 14 different maps included with the game. Locations featured in the game include Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, the Soviet Union, the United States, Hong Kong, and the Arctic Circle.

call of duty black ops 1 pc product key

Mason and CIA operative Jason Hudson are the games main playable characters, as well as Red Army soldier Viktor Reznov in only one mission. This station is due to transmit broadcasts to sleeper agents who are bound to use chemical weapons across the United States. It is the seventh title in the Call of Duty series and the third to be developed by Treyarch. Call Of Duty Black Ops 1 Pc Product Key Series And The Call Of Duty Black Ops 1 Pc Product Key Series And TheĪspyr later released the game for OS X in September 2012.

Call of duty black ops 1 pc product key